The goal of the PEARL Trial is to improve the health of babies with lysosomal storage diseases by treating before birth.

The PEARL Trial treats lysosomal storage diseases before birth. We use the same medication to treat a fetus with a lysosomal storage disease that is currently FDA-approved for children with the disease.

Earlier Intervention

Outlined state of California with Golden Gate Bridge emerging from center of state

UCSF Fetal Treatment Center 
San Francisco, United States

Against a flat map of the world, an outline of a plane traveling across

Travel Support

Diseases Included in the PEARL Clinical Trial

We are testing the safety and feasibility of prenatal enzyme replacement therapy for these lysosomal storage diseases:

Study Timeline

Drawing describing the four steps in the clinical trial, pregnant person confirms diagnosis, fetus receiving prenatal ERT between 18-35 weeks, postnatal standard ERT to baby, baby and parent to be seen yearly for follow up

This text was written and approved by Dr. Tippi MacKenzie, a pediatric and fetal surgeon, and Dr. Paul Harmatz, a pediatrician and metabolic disease expert, at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals. Our approach was approved for use in a clinical trial by the US FDA in 2020, and our study is governed by UCSF's Institutional Review Board to ensure ethical and equitable treatment of participants.